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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hungary - Magyarorszàg

Hungary (where I borned) is a small country in the middle of Europe. For lots of the people (especially in the west) it is still a communist country, where there is nothing much to see. Of course, not everyone thinks in that way. :)
These photos what I present now are made in the town call "Tapolca", which is not famous, not big, the tourist are not really going there.... but for me it is peacefull, and with a simple world, beautiful.

Magyarorszàg (ahol születtem) egy kis orszàg Euròpa közepén. A mai napig sok ember (különösen a nyugatròl) ùgy képzeli el, mint egy kommunista orszàgot, ahol nincs semmi érdekes, amit làtni lehetne. Persze meg kell jegyezzem, vannak kivételek. :)
Ezek a képen Tapolcàn és környékén készültek, ami nem egy hìres vàros, nem nagy, sok tùrista nem làtogatja..... de szàmomra egy nyugalmat sugàrzò, gyönyörû környék.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sailing in the French Riviera - Vitorlàzàs a Francia Riviéràn

As I mentioned in my profile, one of my passion is the photograpy. However it is not just that. I really like to sail as well. The video was made in the Côte d'Azur, close to "Nice", Cannes, Villefranche-sur-Mer, Antibes.

Ahogy màr emlìtettem a profilomban, az egyik szenvedélyem a fotòzàs. Azonban nem csak az. Nagyon szeretek vitorlàzni is. Ez a video a Côte d'Azur-on készült, Nizza, Kàn, Villefranche-sur-Mer, és Antibes közelében.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Storm in the Mediterranien Sea - Vihar a Földközi tengeren

Stormy day in the south of France in 08.11.2011. These photos are made in St Laurent du Var and in Cagnes-sur-Mer (close to Nice). What was very interesting, that even there were huge waves, there was no wind. And when I looked far into the sea, I couldn't see waves. Just close to the coast.

Viharos idôjàràs 2011 november 8-àn, dél Franciaorszàgban. A képek St Laurent du Var és Cagnes-sur-Mer-ben készültek (Nizza mellett). Ami különösen érdekes volt, hogy a hatalmas hullàmok ellenére szél nem volt. Sôt amikor a tàvolba néztem a tengeren, egyàltalan nem làttam a hullàmokat. Csak a part közelében.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Le Plateau de Caussol

These photos are not only made in "Le Plateau de Caussol", but in it's surroundings as well.

First I want to introduce you a little village nearby, it's name is Gourdon.
Than you can see the Plateau de Caussol, where we can find many "secret" caves, which entrances are hid well, it is not easy to find them, unless you are a passionate caver. Who ever likes caving, and doesn't want to meet many people, I highly recommend them this area.

The last photos of the article are made not far from Gourdon, in Plateau de Calern.  This area is the home of the "Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur", which is another great idea to discover by feet or even with bicycle, just how I did.

Photos of Gourdon

Le Plateau de Caussol

In the area of the "Observatoire de la Côte d'Azure", called the Plateau de Calern